Thursday, December 07, 2006
Monday, December 04, 2006
Friday, December 01, 2006
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Golda Meir Lee's Baptism
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Friday, November 24, 2006
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Business update from Tyrone
i was supposed to post this friday kaya lang i got so busy with my freelance work kaya i forgot hehe. tyrone relayed this info to me when i called him friday. i'll just cut and paste what tyrone posted in the chatbox coz others might miss it and some other things we talked about last friday
"mga padi, im hapi to announce that we made 30% PROFIT in less than 2 months. i am just transfering the title of the lot to the buyer's name and we'll be paid in full, estimated (payment date) is Dec 5, 2006. We can meet anytime after that for the distribution of your full capital plus 30% as your gain. please inform me when is your convenient time, il be very happy to host another meeting in cebu if you want. sorry for the long silence, i am sooo busy . anyway, thanks for trusting in my capacity, and we'll sure hope for another business opportunity in the near future."
Tyrone also generously offered to host the next reunion -- maybe in sorsogon or in cebu (pati ba pamasahe? hehehe). whadya think mga padi?
"mga padi, im hapi to announce that we made 30% PROFIT in less than 2 months. i am just transfering the title of the lot to the buyer's name and we'll be paid in full, estimated (payment date) is Dec 5, 2006. We can meet anytime after that for the distribution of your full capital plus 30% as your gain. please inform me when is your convenient time, il be very happy to host another meeting in cebu if you want. sorry for the long silence, i am sooo busy . anyway, thanks for trusting in my capacity, and we'll sure hope for another business opportunity in the near future."
Tyrone also generously offered to host the next reunion -- maybe in sorsogon or in cebu (pati ba pamasahe? hehehe). whadya think mga padi?
Friday, November 17, 2006
Saturday, November 04, 2006
First Fruits!
Mga padi, Tyrone is happy to announce that our first investment project has bore the proverbial first fruit. The fund was used to buy and then sell a piece of real estate in Cebu City. Tyrone is calling for a meeting to thresh out profit sharing and to discuss the next project planned to launch in February 2007.
On a related note, Jason's fish trading business is off to a good start and his "angels" (some of our classmates) are expecting a nice return of their investments :-)
siya, keep well and have a nice weekend y'all!
On a related note, Jason's fish trading business is off to a good start and his "angels" (some of our classmates) are expecting a nice return of their investments :-)
siya, keep well and have a nice weekend y'all!
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Download Firefox 2 now!!!!
mga padi, firefox 2 is available for download now.
please uninstall internet explorer from your pc and use firefox instead. its super fast, renders web pages beautifully and faithfully, protects against viruses, trojans, phishing schemes and other malwares, blocks pop-ups, has tons of extensions etc. etc.
if you use internet explorer to browse our blog, you can see that it does not display correctly, repositioning the chat box way down and messing up the structure the blog.
so to get that one and only "maelstrom blog experience" use FIREFOX please :-)
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Milenyo damages OLPS
mag propose lang ako na maybe we can donate sa olps to help in repairing the damages.
maybe you can discuss it during the meeting today
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Maelstrom Meeting - Oct. 19, 2006
Mga padi - lalo na mga bicol based maelstrom, tyrone and junie is calling for a meeting tomorrow morning in Sorsogon. details are still to be finalized but do call junie for updates.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Maelstrom Meeting this Saturday - October 14
We will have a corporate meeting this saturday, October 15, 2006 in Sorsogon for updates and plans on the business venture. The meeting is being called by Tyrone.
Junie will text us for details on the venue and time.
Rino is suggesting that we hold a internet video conference if possible so those of us here in manila can also participate.
Junie will text us for details on the venue and time.
Rino is suggesting that we hold a internet video conference if possible so those of us here in manila can also participate.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
I am not Frog
By Yayes Basares
Which would you want to be A SMALL FROG IN A BIG POND or a BIG FROG IN A SMALL POND?
The question haunted me for quite some time. I sent SMS messages to my classmates and received their words of wisdom. Very encouraging were their responses that I was tempted to ask them to make the decision for me.
I have been in the HR practice for the past six or seven years, four years of which in a managerial level. I have educated myself in handling labor cases both through experience and in keeping myself abreast with the latest decisions in labor relations. I have acquired that skill of reading behind and between words, spoken and written, as they try to weave lengthy tales of lies during administrative hearings. In conducting interviews, I have learned to look at an applicant eyes and separate the husk from the grain. On numerous cases I have seen employees weep when they lost their jobs and heard their resentment and anger against supervision and authority, most especially when it comes from midgets.
Two years in this bus company and I have seen many SOB’s come and go. In some instances I caused their separation citing just causes. I have suspended many and solicited their ire on several occasions.
The transport sector is often misunderstood by some and despised by many. Yet I have learned to love it. It runs in parallel with my stint in the broadcast media (my first job) in the thrill, excitement and challenges. Here my adrenalin is always at its peak; rushing here and there during times of accidents, heralding the worst animals in the zoo (but hey they may be the worst but they are our animals), picking up loose diapers and nursing grown ups and teaching them how to pee…….
The problem, as I see it, in the transport sector lies on the values and ethics accumulated by each driver and conductor from the road. The transport sector would like to define, as how it suits it best, road courtesy, road safety and the ethical standards of the riding public, and demands for the world to adjust to them. They are kings of the road and expect to be treated with royalty. A very dangerous premise as it will be characterized by anarchy in the street.
It is the same problem I faced day by day in my administrative work. Ultimately though my decision prevails yet what is tiring is that same problem you solved today will resurrect tomorrow and the cycle would go on and on.
I miss the regular calendar. I miss the usual corporate norms and standard. And for sure I am tired.
The temptation to abandon ship and transfer was a daily option I stubbornly refused to exercise. Everyday you face the mirror and start to wonder where most of your hairs have gone to. The writings on the wall get bolder and clearer as the daily and pressing needs not only for yourself but for the family strikes you right in front of your nose.
I began to entertain thoughts of transferring perhaps to a multinational company, not only for the financial perks, but perhaps to follow a regular corporate routine like all those white collared and well dressed guys you see on TV.
I was on the verge of transferring employment after passing series of interview with a Japanese firm based in Carmona, Cavite. It is still in the HR field. I like handling people; identifying and developing their skills, setting up directions, sweeping up dirt afterwards. The pay is generous and above par in benefits. The transfer would entail a lot of adjustments. I would be back to the regular calendar, the eight to five grind six days a week in contrast to my 24/7 duty in the transport sector, new systems and procedures to get accustomed to, start paying for rent and utilities.
I tried to bid my boss adieu expressing my sincere gratitude and appreciation for the trust and confidence he gave me the past two years. He asked me if I am serious and I told him I am. I told him we can no longer run the show on love and kisses alone and retire each night dreaming that tomorrow, like a conjuring trick, there would be bread on the table and medicines on the cabinet, like manna falling from heaven.
Then he said lets talk things over again. And we ended up me remaining where I am now. I did win some blue chips on the bargain table but my biggest prize can never be quantified. These are lessons worth their gems.
Number one is that personality must jibe with your work and vice versa.
I like the rush, the huff and puff; the thrill and excitement on the road; the unorthodox and irregular work schedule and work load, the passion of elevating the level of maturity of a fast growing company, the compassion for every patient you hit on the road, the challenge in carrying heavy torch for the company defending them from the ire of relatives we sometimes hit along the way, the leg work of providing the medical, and sometimes burial assistance all with the end view of showing the heart of the company as a responsible and compassionate corporate entity.
Number two lesson is in order to fly you must have wings.
The wings would be the trust and confidence of your employer of which you must learn to cultivate. Caution though on this regard must be exercised to the effect that one must be contented with wings and never ask for more. That is why I have always maintained that the best person in the HR department is a MAN because women don’t just like wings, they want the whole bird. My boss is a member of the PNP Traffic Management Group and it is under his shadow where I draw my authority and command obedience from the kings of the roads. They fear my boss a lot especially so when he turns ballistic. Decisions must never be subjective and never be based on personal whims and caprices because an erroneous one affecting employees would have them cursing the whole company, the whole organization and the whole group. So far there never was an occasion my boss abandoned me especially in front of angry lions gnawing their teeth in anger or as they wait for me to sleep at night so they could put thorns on my bed and itching powder on my pajamas. Holding me back from transferring employment, after enlargement of the heart was suspected by a doctor whom I am asking from where he learned his medicines, he told me “here I can take care of you, out there you got nobody”.
In my sent SMS messages Junie Taclan said “thrive where you are” Jason Balbedina said “bloom where you are planted, we always tend to be planted where we will bloom” adding “if I am a small frog in a big pond I’ll maximize all the opportunities available”.
Eric Gojar said it better : “I am not a frog”
Kokak to that.
Post script:
Sano Dr. Gerry Pura had the kindness to accommodate me and given me the clean bill as a cardiologist. He advised me though to change my lifestyle. You always say yes in front of the doctor, that is the unwritten rule. But my sincere apologies sano doctor I SIMPLY CAN’T. The most I could perhaps do is to go easy on the “daisies” as indeed they tire me too much, perhaps elder would be good enough.
Which would you want to be A SMALL FROG IN A BIG POND or a BIG FROG IN A SMALL POND?
The question haunted me for quite some time. I sent SMS messages to my classmates and received their words of wisdom. Very encouraging were their responses that I was tempted to ask them to make the decision for me.
I have been in the HR practice for the past six or seven years, four years of which in a managerial level. I have educated myself in handling labor cases both through experience and in keeping myself abreast with the latest decisions in labor relations. I have acquired that skill of reading behind and between words, spoken and written, as they try to weave lengthy tales of lies during administrative hearings. In conducting interviews, I have learned to look at an applicant eyes and separate the husk from the grain. On numerous cases I have seen employees weep when they lost their jobs and heard their resentment and anger against supervision and authority, most especially when it comes from midgets.
Two years in this bus company and I have seen many SOB’s come and go. In some instances I caused their separation citing just causes. I have suspended many and solicited their ire on several occasions.
The transport sector is often misunderstood by some and despised by many. Yet I have learned to love it. It runs in parallel with my stint in the broadcast media (my first job) in the thrill, excitement and challenges. Here my adrenalin is always at its peak; rushing here and there during times of accidents, heralding the worst animals in the zoo (but hey they may be the worst but they are our animals), picking up loose diapers and nursing grown ups and teaching them how to pee…….
The problem, as I see it, in the transport sector lies on the values and ethics accumulated by each driver and conductor from the road. The transport sector would like to define, as how it suits it best, road courtesy, road safety and the ethical standards of the riding public, and demands for the world to adjust to them. They are kings of the road and expect to be treated with royalty. A very dangerous premise as it will be characterized by anarchy in the street.
It is the same problem I faced day by day in my administrative work. Ultimately though my decision prevails yet what is tiring is that same problem you solved today will resurrect tomorrow and the cycle would go on and on.
I miss the regular calendar. I miss the usual corporate norms and standard. And for sure I am tired.
The temptation to abandon ship and transfer was a daily option I stubbornly refused to exercise. Everyday you face the mirror and start to wonder where most of your hairs have gone to. The writings on the wall get bolder and clearer as the daily and pressing needs not only for yourself but for the family strikes you right in front of your nose.
I began to entertain thoughts of transferring perhaps to a multinational company, not only for the financial perks, but perhaps to follow a regular corporate routine like all those white collared and well dressed guys you see on TV.
I was on the verge of transferring employment after passing series of interview with a Japanese firm based in Carmona, Cavite. It is still in the HR field. I like handling people; identifying and developing their skills, setting up directions, sweeping up dirt afterwards. The pay is generous and above par in benefits. The transfer would entail a lot of adjustments. I would be back to the regular calendar, the eight to five grind six days a week in contrast to my 24/7 duty in the transport sector, new systems and procedures to get accustomed to, start paying for rent and utilities.
I tried to bid my boss adieu expressing my sincere gratitude and appreciation for the trust and confidence he gave me the past two years. He asked me if I am serious and I told him I am. I told him we can no longer run the show on love and kisses alone and retire each night dreaming that tomorrow, like a conjuring trick, there would be bread on the table and medicines on the cabinet, like manna falling from heaven.
Then he said lets talk things over again. And we ended up me remaining where I am now. I did win some blue chips on the bargain table but my biggest prize can never be quantified. These are lessons worth their gems.
Number one is that personality must jibe with your work and vice versa.
I like the rush, the huff and puff; the thrill and excitement on the road; the unorthodox and irregular work schedule and work load, the passion of elevating the level of maturity of a fast growing company, the compassion for every patient you hit on the road, the challenge in carrying heavy torch for the company defending them from the ire of relatives we sometimes hit along the way, the leg work of providing the medical, and sometimes burial assistance all with the end view of showing the heart of the company as a responsible and compassionate corporate entity.
Number two lesson is in order to fly you must have wings.
The wings would be the trust and confidence of your employer of which you must learn to cultivate. Caution though on this regard must be exercised to the effect that one must be contented with wings and never ask for more. That is why I have always maintained that the best person in the HR department is a MAN because women don’t just like wings, they want the whole bird. My boss is a member of the PNP Traffic Management Group and it is under his shadow where I draw my authority and command obedience from the kings of the roads. They fear my boss a lot especially so when he turns ballistic. Decisions must never be subjective and never be based on personal whims and caprices because an erroneous one affecting employees would have them cursing the whole company, the whole organization and the whole group. So far there never was an occasion my boss abandoned me especially in front of angry lions gnawing their teeth in anger or as they wait for me to sleep at night so they could put thorns on my bed and itching powder on my pajamas. Holding me back from transferring employment, after enlargement of the heart was suspected by a doctor whom I am asking from where he learned his medicines, he told me “here I can take care of you, out there you got nobody”.
In my sent SMS messages Junie Taclan said “thrive where you are” Jason Balbedina said “bloom where you are planted, we always tend to be planted where we will bloom” adding “if I am a small frog in a big pond I’ll maximize all the opportunities available”.
Eric Gojar said it better : “I am not a frog”
Kokak to that.
Post script:
Sano Dr. Gerry Pura had the kindness to accommodate me and given me the clean bill as a cardiologist. He advised me though to change my lifestyle. You always say yes in front of the doctor, that is the unwritten rule. But my sincere apologies sano doctor I SIMPLY CAN’T. The most I could perhaps do is to go easy on the “daisies” as indeed they tire me too much, perhaps elder would be good enough.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Our heartfelt condolences to Nono.. yet again :-(
Nono, again our deepest condolences to you and your family. having to suffer the loss of your parents in the same year is too much to bear. but we continually pray that the Almighty will bestow upon yourselves the grace, strength and courage to overcome this sad event.
we pray for the eternal happiness and peace of your dad and mom.
we pray for the eternal happiness and peace of your dad and mom.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Bagyo, Bagyo
mga padi, what can our batch do kaya to support the rehab efforts in sorsogon?. offhand, isip ko maybe instead of having the reunion this month we just use the money we will spend on that and donate it to sorsogon --kun kanino di ko pa aram -- maybe to a church based org or maybe sa OLPS kay kun may naraot didto.
according to pagasa pala, another typhoon codenamed neneng is due to hit bicol (sorsogon including) tonight. let's pray and hope sorsogon will be spared this double whammy.
btw, only smart cell is operating so best to advise your relatives to change to smart for the moment. also there's no radio or tv there yet thus they have no way of getting typhoon updates. do text them once in a while. pagasa releases "Tropical Cyclone Updates" every 12 hours. so check on it regularly and text your relatives there. medyo mahangin daw pala yung parating na bagyo kay advise them to board up their windows --lalo na kung glass-- kay ground level winds are expected to be a bit stronger this time kay wara na nin kahoy na masangga.
according to pagasa pala, another typhoon codenamed neneng is due to hit bicol (sorsogon including) tonight. let's pray and hope sorsogon will be spared this double whammy.
btw, only smart cell is operating so best to advise your relatives to change to smart for the moment. also there's no radio or tv there yet thus they have no way of getting typhoon updates. do text them once in a while. pagasa releases "Tropical Cyclone Updates" every 12 hours. so check on it regularly and text your relatives there. medyo mahangin daw pala yung parating na bagyo kay advise them to board up their windows --lalo na kung glass-- kay ground level winds are expected to be a bit stronger this time kay wara na nin kahoy na masangga.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Prayers for Rino's Mom
Mga padi, lets offer prayers for the succesful surgery and healing of Rino's Mom- Lilia Coronel.
She will undergo surgery this weekend at the Cardinal Santos Hospital to remove hepatic cysts
She will undergo surgery this weekend at the Cardinal Santos Hospital to remove hepatic cysts
Thursday, September 21, 2006
a maelstrom visits san francisco,usa
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Happy Birthday Fr. Peewee!
Yayes Basares
Hey, relax classmate. I am not talking about Grace Dimaunahan or Grace Dimagulangan; I am not talking about anybody else's Grace. It's your birthday and I am talking about your grace: your priesthood.
We have always been proud of your priesthood as we are proud of you as MAELSTROM's one and only one priest.
No, you are not a square peg in a hole in our company. Beneath the jest and the jokes is our admiration for you.
And, believe me, you serve as the most tangible link to our past because looking at you we see each of ourselves then hoping to be what you are now.
You can never have sons and daughters as we have, perhaps will miss the joy of fatherhood as you see your son on his first walk and little by little dislodge you as the only authority in the house. On the other hand, you will be spared from the pains of watching over your son overnight as you wait for that fever to break. You will be spared from the daily pressure of living and caring for a family and will perhaps miss the joy of your sons smile on his first bike. You will miss the rush of early morning in sending your son to school and the anxiety of waiting for him in the afternoon. You cannot marry, literally that is. For in your chosen field of endeavor you are to walk a carved path designed by the Divine Father sacrificing personal joys and pleasures demanding celibacy so that you can give everything in you in service.
You cannot amass millions in terms of fat bank accounts or a fleet of cars or a palatial house. Yet you will not have to work hard to gain power and prestige, clout and influence to gain respect of society. Your priesthood alone already demands respect and prestige.
You will not have a family of your own, yet you will be a father to many. You cannot amass wealth yet your riches cannot be measured.
Such is your grace. Such is Peewee’s grace.
Happy birthday, classmate, and we look forward for more birthdays of Rev. Father Philip Aurelius Renovalles.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Prayers and positive energies to Reuben
mga padi, let's offer prayers and positive energies for the succesful recovery and healing of Tyrone's son Reuben who has been diagnosed with some form of blood ailment.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Yayes basares
There was much discussion, sometimes heated, at the Alumi Tambayan of after a recent picture of the Our Lady of PeƱafrancia Seminary refectory was published showing a dismal number of present seminarians of our beloved OLPS. (The site is linked to other web sites of different batches of former seminarians: olpsbatch86, batch 87, 83, 81 among others, where each member of the batch gets in touch with one another sharing their achievements, reflections and insights.) The refectory is one place in the seminary where at a given time you can find all the seminarians. It is our dining hall. In the seminary we live a community life, eat together, sleep together, pray, study, work and play together. If a picture paints a thousand words, that picture wails a bucket of tears. The deluge of comments both from the alumni and Sano was unprecedented but was not surprising.
The gist of the comments and feedbacks seems to point to two itchy questions: (1) Is priesthood not that attractive anymore?; and (2) Is Sano a vanishing breed?
What is so special about priesthood is not for me to answer. I am sure as the sun rises in the morning and sets in the afternoon the clergy would claim to be in a better position, by whatever mandate they clout themselves with, or imagine themselves with. To deny them this is to invite the lightning and thunder.
What is special with being a seminarian is easier for me to answer. A simple question demands a simple answer. FOR EVERY SEMINARIAN LIES A POTENTIAL SANO.
The feeling of loss shared by many sano (alumni or not) in the present predicament of OLPS, at least in terms of number of enrollment, at worst on the chances of the diocese of producing more priests, and at an even worst scenario of OLPS closure, as some would suggest, lies on the ever-burning flame of affection, sincere gratitude and deep respect in every SANO for the indelible effect seminary life and training left in all of us.
OLPS existence is defined by its purpose–-to produce priests for the diocese of Sorsogon. Young minds and young hearts answering that call live there in deep understanding and practice of the tenets and principles, the doctrines and teachings of the catholic faith. The irony exists perhaps that this happens at a time when these young minds and young hearts entering their puberty with all the psychological and physiological enigmas thereto attached are trying to embrace and accept a life demanding for sacrifices of earthly pleasures too hard to resist. Thus, it is no wonder that “mortality” in each class is high. While other batches can boast of higher numbers, our batch, batch 86, produced only one priest. Whether that is good or bad news for the diocese is our pleasure to discuss every reunion. The road is too long ridden with too many crossroads and too many doors offering too many pleasures too hard to resist. Whether or not those who made it are holier than us at the most or better than us at the very least remains the other pleasure we have for discussion during reunions.
With this in mind, it is safe to surmise that gathering all the names of former seminarians from the first day of OLPS existence and to date, SANO far outnumbers the clergy.
Every SANO failed to become a priest. YET SANO IS NOT A FAILURE. Our vocation simply took a different color, our response a different tenor. In whatever field you find a SANO, in each of them, you find the unmistakable trademark of OLPS : the discipline, the faith, the character.
ORA, STUDE ET LABORA was not a failure. It continues to guide us. More than the rituals practiced and doctrines professed, it can be glimpsed in the lives of SANO in their deep respect for the institution they once dreamed to belong to and the personalities representing the institution. It is mirrored over and above, behind and beneath the successes and wealths accumulated by most, and also in their families united by filial love and living simple lives. Sometimes I wonder if SANO better understood the essence of the vow of poverty than most clergy. It can be gauged on the work ethics displayed, making them reap their successes and triumphs. All of these have their roots in the values and the formation OLPS gave.
No, don’t close OLPS-–too many orphans it will have.
Us ….. SANO.
Yayes basares
There was much discussion, sometimes heated, at the Alumi Tambayan of after a recent picture of the Our Lady of PeƱafrancia Seminary refectory was published showing a dismal number of present seminarians of our beloved OLPS. (The site is linked to other web sites of different batches of former seminarians: olpsbatch86, batch 87, 83, 81 among others, where each member of the batch gets in touch with one another sharing their achievements, reflections and insights.) The refectory is one place in the seminary where at a given time you can find all the seminarians. It is our dining hall. In the seminary we live a community life, eat together, sleep together, pray, study, work and play together. If a picture paints a thousand words, that picture wails a bucket of tears. The deluge of comments both from the alumni and Sano was unprecedented but was not surprising.
The gist of the comments and feedbacks seems to point to two itchy questions: (1) Is priesthood not that attractive anymore?; and (2) Is Sano a vanishing breed?
What is so special about priesthood is not for me to answer. I am sure as the sun rises in the morning and sets in the afternoon the clergy would claim to be in a better position, by whatever mandate they clout themselves with, or imagine themselves with. To deny them this is to invite the lightning and thunder.
What is special with being a seminarian is easier for me to answer. A simple question demands a simple answer. FOR EVERY SEMINARIAN LIES A POTENTIAL SANO.
The feeling of loss shared by many sano (alumni or not) in the present predicament of OLPS, at least in terms of number of enrollment, at worst on the chances of the diocese of producing more priests, and at an even worst scenario of OLPS closure, as some would suggest, lies on the ever-burning flame of affection, sincere gratitude and deep respect in every SANO for the indelible effect seminary life and training left in all of us.
OLPS existence is defined by its purpose–-to produce priests for the diocese of Sorsogon. Young minds and young hearts answering that call live there in deep understanding and practice of the tenets and principles, the doctrines and teachings of the catholic faith. The irony exists perhaps that this happens at a time when these young minds and young hearts entering their puberty with all the psychological and physiological enigmas thereto attached are trying to embrace and accept a life demanding for sacrifices of earthly pleasures too hard to resist. Thus, it is no wonder that “mortality” in each class is high. While other batches can boast of higher numbers, our batch, batch 86, produced only one priest. Whether that is good or bad news for the diocese is our pleasure to discuss every reunion. The road is too long ridden with too many crossroads and too many doors offering too many pleasures too hard to resist. Whether or not those who made it are holier than us at the most or better than us at the very least remains the other pleasure we have for discussion during reunions.
With this in mind, it is safe to surmise that gathering all the names of former seminarians from the first day of OLPS existence and to date, SANO far outnumbers the clergy.
Every SANO failed to become a priest. YET SANO IS NOT A FAILURE. Our vocation simply took a different color, our response a different tenor. In whatever field you find a SANO, in each of them, you find the unmistakable trademark of OLPS : the discipline, the faith, the character.
ORA, STUDE ET LABORA was not a failure. It continues to guide us. More than the rituals practiced and doctrines professed, it can be glimpsed in the lives of SANO in their deep respect for the institution they once dreamed to belong to and the personalities representing the institution. It is mirrored over and above, behind and beneath the successes and wealths accumulated by most, and also in their families united by filial love and living simple lives. Sometimes I wonder if SANO better understood the essence of the vow of poverty than most clergy. It can be gauged on the work ethics displayed, making them reap their successes and triumphs. All of these have their roots in the values and the formation OLPS gave.
No, don’t close OLPS-–too many orphans it will have.
Us ….. SANO.
Up for grabs!: the last shirt

the first one who gets it from me can have it. its XL and newly laundered kay in-alamag na sa baul :D
an qualified palan tabi an mga dili nakakuwa sin shirts last year. no reserve palan :p
text me if u want to get this tomorrow in my office in katipunan or if u want me to bring this on friday

Sunday, August 20, 2006
Our latest Flickr albums
i have uploaded almost all our pictures --at least the ones i have. view them by clicking on the pictures
2006-06-02 meet at yellowcab mall of asia

2006-06-10 Maelstrom 20th Anniversary Reunion

2006-06-15 Maelstrom Inc. Meeting

you can also upload pictures by logging in to our flickr account. far easier though to upload by using the uploading tool. you can also upload via email or your cellphone.
2006-06-02 meet at yellowcab mall of asia
2006-06-10 Maelstrom 20th Anniversary Reunion
2006-06-15 Maelstrom Inc. Meeting
you can also upload pictures by logging in to our flickr account. far easier though to upload by using the uploading tool. you can also upload via email or your cellphone.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Maelstrom is a Flickr PRO!
to upload pictures:
1. go to
2. login using our account
3. click the upload link or here
4. alternatively if you have broadband, you can download the uploader here
5. pls. dont forget to create a set and label it ok? para organized naman ang album ta
junie, we owe mervs 25$ palan
Friday, August 11, 2006
The Eagle Will Fly
(with apologies to ANTONIO P MELOTO of Gawad Kalinga)
Tyrone recently bought a private plane. His excitement in flying shone through his eyes. His first Maelstrom passenger Rino quickly caught the excitement that over and above Bohol’s famous chocolate hills he sent us text messages saying that they looked like miniature "dodo". Nice birds' eye view you got there, bro.
Everybody knew Tyrone. During our seminary years, Tyrone’s passion for flying was already evident. Equipped with the energy of the young, he would always dash for something new, always raring for adventure.
Twenty years after, the passion remains. Only this time, coupled with the wisdom of years, it has ensured him his success.
During our reunion in Cebu last May, Tyrone explored with us the idea of flying to greater heights, and this time taking the whole Maelstrom class on his wings. Rather than expanding his business in his hometown where success was guaranteed he chose to go home to his class. The invitation to form a corporation was laid down on the table over bottle of beers.
“Everytime we hold reunions, for a day or two we live the good life. Thereafter what?”
The idea of forming the class as a corporation and venture into business immediately caught fire. The class oozes with talents and skills, and the members have gained their respective competencies in both the administrative and technical aspects of running a business. The need to assist financially other members of the class and OLPS is its driving force.
Last June 17, 2006 the first ever corporate meeting of Maelstrom Incorporated was held at OLPS. It was the biggest gathering of the class since high school, with 17 in attendance–-coming in all the way from Metro Manila, Cavite, Iloilo, Cebu, Australia (with BJ Reyes on the phone). Our only priest, Rev. Fr. Philip Aurelius Renovalles, fondly to us Fr. Peewee, even took a day off from his parochial duty to be with us. It was a day when everybody became serious, a rare occasion for in each others company there never was a moment we never laughed. We came with a mission-– to discuss, argue, plan and carve the destiny and future of our class as a corporate entity.
Our first business venture will be launched on 15 August, 2006. With the Midas hands of Tyrone, Erwin, Nono, Dave in business, together with the administrative skills of Junie, Jason, Dante, the financial support of most members and the commitment of the whole class, Maelstrom Incorporated looks forward to bright years ahead.
On August 15, 2006 – the eagle will fly!
Tyrone recently bought a private plane. His excitement in flying shone through his eyes. His first Maelstrom passenger Rino quickly caught the excitement that over and above Bohol’s famous chocolate hills he sent us text messages saying that they looked like miniature "dodo". Nice birds' eye view you got there, bro.
Everybody knew Tyrone. During our seminary years, Tyrone’s passion for flying was already evident. Equipped with the energy of the young, he would always dash for something new, always raring for adventure.
Twenty years after, the passion remains. Only this time, coupled with the wisdom of years, it has ensured him his success.
During our reunion in Cebu last May, Tyrone explored with us the idea of flying to greater heights, and this time taking the whole Maelstrom class on his wings. Rather than expanding his business in his hometown where success was guaranteed he chose to go home to his class. The invitation to form a corporation was laid down on the table over bottle of beers.
“Everytime we hold reunions, for a day or two we live the good life. Thereafter what?”
The idea of forming the class as a corporation and venture into business immediately caught fire. The class oozes with talents and skills, and the members have gained their respective competencies in both the administrative and technical aspects of running a business. The need to assist financially other members of the class and OLPS is its driving force.
Last June 17, 2006 the first ever corporate meeting of Maelstrom Incorporated was held at OLPS. It was the biggest gathering of the class since high school, with 17 in attendance–-coming in all the way from Metro Manila, Cavite, Iloilo, Cebu, Australia (with BJ Reyes on the phone). Our only priest, Rev. Fr. Philip Aurelius Renovalles, fondly to us Fr. Peewee, even took a day off from his parochial duty to be with us. It was a day when everybody became serious, a rare occasion for in each others company there never was a moment we never laughed. We came with a mission-– to discuss, argue, plan and carve the destiny and future of our class as a corporate entity.
Our first business venture will be launched on 15 August, 2006. With the Midas hands of Tyrone, Erwin, Nono, Dave in business, together with the administrative skills of Junie, Jason, Dante, the financial support of most members and the commitment of the whole class, Maelstrom Incorporated looks forward to bright years ahead.
On August 15, 2006 – the eagle will fly!
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Monday, August 07, 2006
Thursday, August 03, 2006
You're invited!
Kit invites all maelstrom to his youngest's b-day party on sunday 2:30 pm at his house in greenhills garden square condo.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Repackaging OLPS is ... Repackaging Priesthood!
by Yayes Basares
(this is Yayes' reflection on the the ongoing discussion of "revitalizing olps" over at the olps alumini blog)
What is lost?
The edifice remains, and even if it vanishes if not to be included in NOAH’s ark, it will remain in the heart of every SANO and clergy. You the clergy are its most strong proof, as OLPS existence is defined by its purpose to produce PRIESTS (only God was too selective?). SANO have nothing but memories that somehow in our distant past and during glorious years of our lives we were once there.
The life we lived inside, the character, the language, the manner mirrored the life, the character, the language of every clergy of the diocese. Seminarians merely trudge on the road traveled by Reverend Fathers of the diocese as they tried, albeit unsuccessfully for most, to merit heavens approval of at least nearness if not likeness to what is expected from each of them. People outside tend to look at seminarians as the future Reverend Fathers of their diocese ; future Fr. Butch (Fajardo), Fr. Louie Buenaobra, among others. The respect and admiration seminarians earned is an extension of the respect and admiration of their clergy – their leaders, their shepherds, their bridge to God.
What is lost?
It is regretful to note that the church is busy.
Daily news tell us that these days even the opinion of the church is asked on matters that are purely political in nature. (During the first year of Sorsogon cityhood, one priest was trying to act as mayor while the mayor was trying to act as God’s shepherd.) Church people are dragged in political controversies as some members are queried on giving sanctuary to its perceived enemies. A bishop leads a fight against gambling perhaps unaware that gambling is an inherent trait of every nationality in general and Filipinos in particular, and worst, disregards that economic crises are what drives these people to grab any opportunity for quick income, and much worst neglects to address this. Further, while it condemns gambling, which to the common TAO supplies them food, it rationalizes its acceptance of funds from PAGCOR as necessary to address temporal needs, leaving us hearing this in total awe of its logic and confused of who is talking of what.
The church cannot exist in a vacuum totally secluded in far flung monasteries devoting their time on bended knees and eyes cast on heavens. The church belongs to society and is accountable to it. Yet there is a clear delineating and demarcation line on roles to be played. It is at times when the church cross lines, under the guise of Salvation Theology or misconception of concern for the people, or whatever it is blinded to, that it gets totally distracted and becomes out of context.
If only you will look outside, there is a multitude of people desperately looking for their God, in whatever name they wish to call them. This is evidenced not only on the attendance prayer rallies of Eddie Villanueva and Mike Velarde generates, but on the faces of lost souls on the street (the rugby boys, the corrupt traffic enforcers, the street bully etc … ) You can see them in the news as stories of crimes and scandals are flashed. Heck you can even see them among the rich and the powerful, the educated and prominent, on their stories of failed financial scams.
Yet where are the priests? Do they have time for the dirty and ugly lost souls on the street? If these people suddenly wakes up in the middle of the night and realizes they need God it would still be them to carry themselves inside the church to find a priest.
You asked every house in your neighborhood who in the past six months had the time to come and visit bringing God’s word. The Mormons, the Adventist, will surely be in the list, if not topping the list. Where are the priests?
At the comforts of their homes watching people win millions on Laban or Bawi?
(this is Yayes' reflection on the the ongoing discussion of "revitalizing olps" over at the olps alumini blog)
What is lost?
The edifice remains, and even if it vanishes if not to be included in NOAH’s ark, it will remain in the heart of every SANO and clergy. You the clergy are its most strong proof, as OLPS existence is defined by its purpose to produce PRIESTS (only God was too selective?). SANO have nothing but memories that somehow in our distant past and during glorious years of our lives we were once there.
The life we lived inside, the character, the language, the manner mirrored the life, the character, the language of every clergy of the diocese. Seminarians merely trudge on the road traveled by Reverend Fathers of the diocese as they tried, albeit unsuccessfully for most, to merit heavens approval of at least nearness if not likeness to what is expected from each of them. People outside tend to look at seminarians as the future Reverend Fathers of their diocese ; future Fr. Butch (Fajardo), Fr. Louie Buenaobra, among others. The respect and admiration seminarians earned is an extension of the respect and admiration of their clergy – their leaders, their shepherds, their bridge to God.
What is lost?
It is regretful to note that the church is busy.
Daily news tell us that these days even the opinion of the church is asked on matters that are purely political in nature. (During the first year of Sorsogon cityhood, one priest was trying to act as mayor while the mayor was trying to act as God’s shepherd.) Church people are dragged in political controversies as some members are queried on giving sanctuary to its perceived enemies. A bishop leads a fight against gambling perhaps unaware that gambling is an inherent trait of every nationality in general and Filipinos in particular, and worst, disregards that economic crises are what drives these people to grab any opportunity for quick income, and much worst neglects to address this. Further, while it condemns gambling, which to the common TAO supplies them food, it rationalizes its acceptance of funds from PAGCOR as necessary to address temporal needs, leaving us hearing this in total awe of its logic and confused of who is talking of what.
The church cannot exist in a vacuum totally secluded in far flung monasteries devoting their time on bended knees and eyes cast on heavens. The church belongs to society and is accountable to it. Yet there is a clear delineating and demarcation line on roles to be played. It is at times when the church cross lines, under the guise of Salvation Theology or misconception of concern for the people, or whatever it is blinded to, that it gets totally distracted and becomes out of context.
If only you will look outside, there is a multitude of people desperately looking for their God, in whatever name they wish to call them. This is evidenced not only on the attendance prayer rallies of Eddie Villanueva and Mike Velarde generates, but on the faces of lost souls on the street (the rugby boys, the corrupt traffic enforcers, the street bully etc … ) You can see them in the news as stories of crimes and scandals are flashed. Heck you can even see them among the rich and the powerful, the educated and prominent, on their stories of failed financial scams.
Yet where are the priests? Do they have time for the dirty and ugly lost souls on the street? If these people suddenly wakes up in the middle of the night and realizes they need God it would still be them to carry themselves inside the church to find a priest.
You asked every house in your neighborhood who in the past six months had the time to come and visit bringing God’s word. The Mormons, the Adventist, will surely be in the list, if not topping the list. Where are the priests?
At the comforts of their homes watching people win millions on Laban or Bawi?
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Saturday, July 15, 2006
More Pics from the June 17-18, 2006 Reunion
June 17, 2006

Gabby, Dave and Rene having a light moment in front of the Visitor's Room while waiting for the mass to start

It's the last thing we'd want ourselves dragged into, but why can't we resist "scandals?"
And they have become a staple in our reunions, huh!

Nice pose, Dave!
Let's take a closer look at Weewee. Looks like he's now in the second movement of the Moonlight Sonata here. Nakaturog daw kamo Franz?

June 18, 2006 Breakfast before breaking up for home.

Gabby, Dave and Rene having a light moment in front of the Visitor's Room while waiting for the mass to start

It's the last thing we'd want ourselves dragged into, but why can't we resist "scandals?"
And they have become a staple in our reunions, huh!

Nice pose, Dave!
Let's take a closer look at Weewee. Looks like he's now in the second movement of the Moonlight Sonata here. Nakaturog daw kamo Franz?

June 18, 2006 Breakfast before breaking up for home.

Friday, July 14, 2006
Get well soon Gabby!
mga padi, gabby is presently hospitalized coz he somehow caught the dengue virus. no word on the state of his condition yet but it seems its not scarely serious yet.
lets pray for his quick recovery. and do text him from time to time --just to lift his spirits up. hospital is a nasty, boring place to be ya know!
and mga padi be on the look out na for dengue rin lalo na sa mga anak natin at medyo mahirap ma-dengue ngayon
some tips on dengue prevention here and here
siya get well fast gabby!
My dad, me and my son
(I do not consider myself a writer, yet I am flattered by your comments and encouragement to continue writing. If priesthood is my first love, writing comes second and teaching ranks third……..oh great brown God I hope my wife does not see this! I have promised myself never to write a sad story. I want you to laugh when you read the words I write, perhaps listen to the child inside me as it tries to speak to that little child in you. Today I beg for an exemption.)
I am the son of my father. I am the father of my son.
In nomine padre …………….
My dad is ED BASARES the overachiever: an academician, an administrator, a broadcaster, a politician and a lawyer. He started as a classroom teacher even before I entered my first grade in school, and by the time I did he was already the school principal. He later moved on to become a College Dean, Director for Student Affairs and Vice President for Administration. He capped his scholarly record with two baccalaureate degrees, two masteral (including his Bachelor of Laws) and a doctorate in Education. In his short stint in government service he was a recipient of several Certificates of Merit. In the broadcast industry, he was rated number one radio commentator in the province and earned the monicker from his peers as the DEAN OF BROADCAST MEDIA in Sorsogon. When he entered politics in 1992 he was classified as a sure winner albeit they used a different parameter when counting the votes. He has continued to be present in every electoral process since then and has refused to acknowledge defeat. When I saw him in 1997 after years of absence I was shocked at how old he had become, yet he has refused to fade into retirement. Well, I still have to meet a politician who does not consider himself immortal. My father became a lawyer in 2002 . To date he is practicing his law profession.
Et fili……..
It was hard growing up under his shadow.
I was only in grade four when he required me to learn journalism as he imposed on me to read and re-write the news from the newspapers. Reading was a habit he instilled upon me that no book or magazine from his library was missed. Yet he left me alone to learn. No grade in the line of seven was acceptable to him as he monitored mine every grading period. Bad English for him was and is a mortal sin. I finished my elementary grades with honors and he was there.
I told him I would enter the seminary. He was not surprised. Two instances I remember well of how proud he was during my seminary years--
one when I was assigned to serve an acolyte to the Bishop one Sunday during our summer break, and two when he “gave” me to Fr. Ding Caindec after I became his official acolyte every time Fr Ding would say mass outside the seminary. He never wanted me to become a priest as I am his only son and eldest at that. Yet he acknowledged my identity and duties then as a seminarian as he allowed me to spend days in the parish especially during the Lenten season. Somehow he attributed my decision to leave the seminary when Fr Ding left for Rome on my second year. To a certain degree he was right for Fr. Ding was more like a second father to me.
When I was in second year college (outside the seminary), knowing I had long turned my back on the norms and values of a seminarian, and while he was station manager of DZMS, he secretly invited Fr Ding, then back from Rome, to say mass and compelled me to attend. I cried a lot at Fr Ding’s shoulder.
My dad is a strict disciplinarian and hard on his children, hardest on me. Sometimes I suspect I was his favorite whipping bag. He is a distant father. It is easy for him to shower praises on his students against whom I pale in comparison, albeit he spends most of his nights wondering if he has made me wrong or what in heavens name a curse has fallen upon me.
While sometimes I envied some of his students it was easy for me to understand: ED BASARES is a father to his students, a teacher to his son. And I grew up looking for a father.
It was always a love-hate relationship between us as he perpetually tried to control me during the times I was uncontrollable and stubbornly refused to do so at times I needed it most. He is never satisfied with what I can do yet secretly confides to his friends his amazement with the little things I have managed to do.
These days everytime I go home, I spend all my time with my kids playing with them after school and I would see him secretly watching, perhaps wondering why. But by all means he is a doting lolo.
ED BASARES will always be ED BASARES. He has fought his battle and emerged victorious from it, all by himself as he grew up an orphan. He has carved his destiny and earned the respect of others with no one beside him and with nothing but pure guts and determination.
et mi fili
My son was born in 1995. I had always wanted a son. For five years he was my only child. To date he is about to enter his adolescence period. And I fear so much that he would commit the same mistakes I did. My only wish and prayer for my son is for him to live a different life from mine. So I refused to cast a shadow on him and gave him a different name. At bedtime and away from the ears of his mom he would tell me stories about his girl classmates and, oh God here it goes. Four occasions my son would never miss--my birthday, his birthday, his siblings birthday, and his mom’s birthday.
I know I will never verbally have the chance to tell my dad I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN PROUD OF HIM. It is my hope that just being a father to my own son would speak louder than words.
For the son comes from the father.
In some instances the rock speaks because it is silent, the sand moves because it is still.
The sad story shall continue on and on. Until like my dad, in his career path, it will arrive…..
………….at a time which is not a time,
………….at a place which is not a place.
My dad, me and my son
(I do not consider myself a writer, yet I am flattered by your comments and encouragement to continue writing. If priesthood is my first love, writing comes second and teaching ranks third……..oh great brown God I hope my wife does not see this! I have promised myself never to write a sad story. I want you to laugh when you read the words I write, perhaps listen to the child inside me as it tries to speak to that little child in you. Today I beg for an exemption.)
I am the son of my father. I am the father of my son.
In nomine padre …………….
My dad is ED BASARES the overachiever: an academician, an administrator, a broadcaster, a politician and a lawyer. He started as a classroom teacher even before I entered my first grade in school, and by the time I did he was already the school principal. He later moved on to become a College Dean, Director for Student Affairs and Vice President for Administration. He capped his scholarly record with two baccalaureate degrees, two masteral (including his Bachelor of Laws) and a doctorate in Education. In his short stint in government service he was a recipient of several Certificates of Merit. In the broadcast industry, he was rated number one radio commentator in the province and earned the monicker from his peers as the DEAN OF BROADCAST MEDIA in Sorsogon. When he entered politics in 1992 he was classified as a sure winner albeit they used a different parameter when counting the votes. He has continued to be present in every electoral process since then and has refused to acknowledge defeat. When I saw him in 1997 after years of absence I was shocked at how old he had become, yet he has refused to fade into retirement. Well, I still have to meet a politician who does not consider himself immortal. My father became a lawyer in 2002 . To date he is practicing his law profession.
Et fili……..
It was hard growing up under his shadow.
I was only in grade four when he required me to learn journalism as he imposed on me to read and re-write the news from the newspapers. Reading was a habit he instilled upon me that no book or magazine from his library was missed. Yet he left me alone to learn. No grade in the line of seven was acceptable to him as he monitored mine every grading period. Bad English for him was and is a mortal sin. I finished my elementary grades with honors and he was there.
I told him I would enter the seminary. He was not surprised. Two instances I remember well of how proud he was during my seminary years--
one when I was assigned to serve an acolyte to the Bishop one Sunday during our summer break, and two when he “gave” me to Fr. Ding Caindec after I became his official acolyte every time Fr Ding would say mass outside the seminary. He never wanted me to become a priest as I am his only son and eldest at that. Yet he acknowledged my identity and duties then as a seminarian as he allowed me to spend days in the parish especially during the Lenten season. Somehow he attributed my decision to leave the seminary when Fr Ding left for Rome on my second year. To a certain degree he was right for Fr. Ding was more like a second father to me.
When I was in second year college (outside the seminary), knowing I had long turned my back on the norms and values of a seminarian, and while he was station manager of DZMS, he secretly invited Fr Ding, then back from Rome, to say mass and compelled me to attend. I cried a lot at Fr Ding’s shoulder.
My dad is a strict disciplinarian and hard on his children, hardest on me. Sometimes I suspect I was his favorite whipping bag. He is a distant father. It is easy for him to shower praises on his students against whom I pale in comparison, albeit he spends most of his nights wondering if he has made me wrong or what in heavens name a curse has fallen upon me.
While sometimes I envied some of his students it was easy for me to understand: ED BASARES is a father to his students, a teacher to his son. And I grew up looking for a father.
It was always a love-hate relationship between us as he perpetually tried to control me during the times I was uncontrollable and stubbornly refused to do so at times I needed it most. He is never satisfied with what I can do yet secretly confides to his friends his amazement with the little things I have managed to do.
These days everytime I go home, I spend all my time with my kids playing with them after school and I would see him secretly watching, perhaps wondering why. But by all means he is a doting lolo.
ED BASARES will always be ED BASARES. He has fought his battle and emerged victorious from it, all by himself as he grew up an orphan. He has carved his destiny and earned the respect of others with no one beside him and with nothing but pure guts and determination.
et mi fili
My son was born in 1995. I had always wanted a son. For five years he was my only child. To date he is about to enter his adolescence period. And I fear so much that he would commit the same mistakes I did. My only wish and prayer for my son is for him to live a different life from mine. So I refused to cast a shadow on him and gave him a different name. At bedtime and away from the ears of his mom he would tell me stories about his girl classmates and, oh God here it goes. Four occasions my son would never miss--my birthday, his birthday, his siblings birthday, and his mom’s birthday.
I know I will never verbally have the chance to tell my dad I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN PROUD OF HIM. It is my hope that just being a father to my own son would speak louder than words.
For the son comes from the father.
In some instances the rock speaks because it is silent, the sand moves because it is still.
The sad story shall continue on and on. Until like my dad, in his career path, it will arrive…..
………….at a time which is not a time,
………….at a place which is not a place.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
June 17-18, 2006 Reunion Pictures

Val couldn't help giving Dave a big hug upon the latter's arrival at our "home away from home." Dave chose to sleep in his home at San Roque on the night the Manila Contingent arrived since he was tasked with fetching Tyrone at the Legazpi Airport early the next morning. A last-minute change of plan, however, saw Tivo picking up Tyrone on his way from Naga to Sorsogon.

[Funny that Jason and Franz, who arrived within an hour of each other, seemed to have forgotten that one was only a text away and they could have given each other a helping hand in the hauling of the half-sack of rice, the 5 kilos of Alimusan and the crabs that Jason brought from Casiguran. Pero, masiramon an alimusan, Padi Jason. Magdara ka uli next reunion.]
Rene, who lives in a nearby subdivision, showed up at almost the same time.

I have no idea what came upon Rino and Gabby. What were the scarves for? (he he he)
UCPB Bank Account
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Monday, July 03, 2006
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