Friday, May 27, 2005

It's great to see see our old pictures. They bring back a lot of happy memories so hulat lang kamo kay hukadon ko mun-a an mga album mi. Bagan tungaw lang talaga kadako si Eric sadto ha?



junie said...

at long last.

salamat kay bunutwa ka na. this is long overdue.

i'll be waiting for those pictures. and for some reflections.

many in our class were pleasantly surprised when a different Nono showed up for the March 19-20, 2005 reunion.

you've changed a lot for the better. Gone was the "spoiled brat" that we used to know.

and we could not be happier for this development.

gojie said...

tungaw na dako an bonay bonay. hehehe!!!

mayad man kay nagtingog ka na!!!

i couldn't agree more with junie. uve changed a lot.

namiss lang namo an pagtando mo! hehehe.

gabby said...

how do you publish pics?

gabby said...

looking at your faces today and comparing them with your old shots, we've really grown old. hep, away anay san catcalls, aram ko na sasabihon nindo.
my impression when i first opened this blog was that a group of men nearing middle age trying to remember the joys of adolescense. frigthfully pathetic!
but who cares.